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At Hackney New Primary School, our unwavering commitment is to foster a dynamic and nurturing educational environment that resonates with our visionary ideal: "Excellence, Inclusivity, Kindness, Curiosity, Music: Uniting our Learning Community." Guided by our core values of Excellence, Curiosity, Inclusive, and Kindness, and fueled by our core characteristics of being knowledgeable, confident and resilient, open-minded and engaged, we stand as a beacon of holistic growth and lifelong learning.


Our Core Values:

1. Excellence: “Excellence” means doing your very best in everything you do, whether it's your schoolwork, playing sports, or being kind to others. It doesn't mean you have to be perfect, but it does mean trying hard and not giving up, even when things are difficult.

What does excellence mean:
Working Hard: Always try your best in class, even if something is tricky.
Being Proud of Your Work: Take your time to do your work neatly and carefully.
Helping Others: Encourage your friends to do their best too.
Learning from Mistakes: If you make a mistake, don’t get upset—learn from it and try again.

2. Kindness: Kindness" means being friendly, caring, and helpful to others. It's like sharing a smile or helping someone when they need it.

What Does Kindness Mean?
Being Friendly: Saying nice things, sharing, and making others feel happy.
Helping Others: Doing things that make life easier for someone else, like holding the door or helping with a task.
Thinking About Others: Understanding how others feel and doing something to make them feel better.

3. Curiosity: Curiosity" is a word that means wanting to learn and know more about the world around you. It's like being a detective who loves to explore and discover new things!

What Does Curiosity Mean?
Asking Questions: When you're curious, you ask questions like "Why?" or "How does that work?" because you want to understand more.
Exploring New Things: Curiosity makes you excited to try new activities, read new books, or learn about different subjects.
Being Eager to Learn: It means being interested in what you're learning in school and wanting to know even more.

4. Inclusivity: Inclusivity" means making sure everyone feels welcome, part of the group and safe, no matter who they are.

What Does Inclusivity Mean?
Welcoming Everyone: Making sure everyone feels like they belong, whether they are new, different, or shy.
Treating Everyone Fairly: Being kind to everyone, no matter what they look like, where they come from, or what they believe.
Playing and Learning Together: Making sure no one is left out during games, activities, or classwork.

Our Core Characteristics:

1. Knowledgeable: We believe in the transformative power of knowledge. Our students are equipped with a robust foundation across disciplines, empowering them to engage thoughtfully with the world. We encourage a thirst for learning that extends beyond the classroom and lasts a lifetime.

2. Confident and Resilient: We nurture confidence that arises from a deep understanding of one's capabilities. Our students learn that setbacks are stepping stones to success, developing resilience that propels them to overcome challenges with determination and grace.

3. Open-Minded and Engaged: We cultivate open-mindedness that embraces diverse perspectives and fosters a genuine appreciation for different cultures, ideas, and experiences. Our students are actively engaged in meaningful interactions, learning from one another and contributing to a harmonious global community.

Our Core Beliefs:

1. Remain Curious: We advocate for a relentless pursuit of curiosity. Through asking questions and exploring uncharted territories, we create an environment where discovery knows no bounds.

2. Use Precedents but Use Them with Care: We recognize the value of precedent while encouraging critical analysis. We teach our students to draw on history, tradition, and established practices judiciously, always considering the context and potential for innovation.

3. Use Your Judgment: We empower our students to develop strong judgment skills, enabling them to navigate complex decisions with thoughtfulness and discernment.

4. Listen and Watch Carefully: We encourage active listening and keen observation as tools for understanding others and the world around us.

5. Know How to Use Data and Evidence: We equip our students with the ability to gather, analyze, and interpret data and evidence, fostering informed decision-making and evidence-based reasoning.

6. Learn When to Use and Control Your Emotions: We teach emotional intelligence, guiding our students to recognize and manage their emotions, using them as a source of insight and strength.

7. Almost Everything Can Be Done Better: We embrace a growth mindset that drives continuous improvement. Our students are empowered to seek opportunities for refinement, innovation, and growth in every aspect of their lives.

8. Be Generous in Arguments and with Others: We promote respectful discourse and the art of constructive disagreement, recognizing that diverse perspectives enrich our understanding and foster collaboration.

9. Combine Opinions with Knowledge: We encourage our students to combine their personal opinions with a foundation of knowledge, enabling them to contribute substantively to discussions and debates.

10. Knowledge Means Independence: We believe that true knowledge empowers individuals to think independently, make informed choices, and contribute meaningfully to society.

With these values, characteristics, and beliefs as our compass, Hackney New Primary School creates an educational journey that prepares our students to embrace challenges, embrace new ideas, and make meaningful contributions to a rapidly evolving world.

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