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Family Style Mealtimes

School Food

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals. From Year 3, for children who do not qualify for Free School Meals, there will be a daily charge for school meals. For the current academic year this charge is be being paid for by the Mayor of London initiative. 

At Hackney New Primary School we do not have the option to bring in a packed lunch.

Fuel for Learning

School catering is provided by Fuel for LearningThey are a locally based, independent school catering company focusing on freshly prepared and nutritious meals. They avoid deep frying and processed foods and have strong guidelines on animal welfare and sustainable practises. All meat is Halal slaughtered, Red Tractor Assured and fish is MSC certified. More information can be found on their website as can the current menu, which changes seasonally.

Further information available via www.fuel4learning.co.uk and Instagram fuel_for_learning.


All children are welcome to join us for a breakfast between 08.00 and 08.45. Breakfasts on offer will include healthy cereals, fruit, wholemeal toast and a drink of water or milk. Once they have finished eating, they are free to sit and read, play board games or talk with their friends or the staff team until school begins.


Children who are staying for enrichment activities are offered a snack at teatime before their activity or club.

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